Art Discovery Tuesday – A visit to the Opera
Have you been to the opera? I’ve been to plays and musicals, but never to an official opera. There’s a lot of fancy there, and I’m not sure this girl has the stuff to fit in there. Of course, when do I ever try to fit in?? And would I like it? I have no idea. I always think about the movie Pretty Woman when he tells her about people’s first reaction to the opera. I guess I won’t really know unless I go. #bucketlistgoals.
I found these beautiful lithographs on the metropolitan museum of art’s digital collection site. From the research there, it indicates that these were part of a set of advertising banners for cigarettes. Amazing right? I’m not sure what about the illustration says “smoke”, but thought they were pretty cool regardless.
I think they’d be great for collage or even for journal cards or note cards. Enjoy!

To download them, click on the image to open it full size and then right click and choose Save Image As, Save Picture As or Download Linked File (depending on your browser!).
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