Art Discovery Tuesday – Feeling fruity
I know summer is coming. In my head, I know it’s true. But with the rain and just plain gray around here, it’s hard to really believe it. The sun has been out for a bit today, and I keep thinking…”will it last??” I sure hope so, I need to get outside more.
So in honor of summer coming, and the fact that my garden has just barely started to grow wonderful things I’ll be eating in a few months, I bring you fruit. These gorgeous illustrations make me feel warm, summery – and fruity.
I’ve extracted them from a book that was written in about 1830. Aren’t they gorgeous? I think they’d work great as stickers or layered on top of a postcard, or even in some collage. Let your imagination go crazy!

To download them, click on the image to open it full size and then right click and choose Save Image As, Save Picture As or Download Linked File (depending on your browser!).
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