Scrap-Busting Cluster Tutorial for Junk Journals
Do you have a craft room full of wonderful, delicious supplies – which include all those scraps from other projects? Me too. Lately, I’ve been trying to figure out why I often don’t feel creative, and since I thrive on creativity – like it’s my lifeblood. Coffee gets the physical going, creating gets the soul going!
But – my creative space – it’s cluttered. And clutter is my nemesis. I might just be a little ADHD – or maybe it’s just how this artist works. I start projects and pull ALL THE THINGS out, and for some reason, even if some of it gets put away – there are little scraps of probably every project I’ve ever done on my workspace (how I wish this was an exaggeration!).
Getting inspired
Now, granted, I LOVE all the vintage treasures I’ve collected and I certainly wouldn’t dream of tossing anything (part of my problem, I know!). But, I’ve also come to realize that in order to truly tap into my creative spirit, I need to work on cleaning up my space. It’s never going to be perfect, but I know having it cleared off and things put in their right spot is going to make it easier for me to jump back in.
And, since my scrap bins seem to be the worst offenders of cluttering up my workspace, I’ve decided that a fantastic way to declutter and get organized would be to start making some things with all the buried treasures in those scrap bins. I know it’ll be a game changer to put those neglected bits of paper to good use, but I’ll also be decluttering my space in the process. It’s a win-win situation!
New Clutter Busting Series!
So – here we go – a new little series to Declutter and Create! My first project, to start using up all those scraps is to make some “base” clusters.
What does that mean? It just means I have a bunch of clusters that are relatively plain, but ready to go at a moments notice to decorate and add to a journal!
Come along and craft with me as I share how using up even those plain paper off-cuts you’ve been saving can be transformed with very little effort into ready-to-go embellishments. Watch the video below to see step-by-step you can use even bits you aren’t even sure why you kept into something useful for your next journal or collage or mixed media project.
So let’s go – let’s declutter AND make something amazing with those paper scraps that deserve to feel useful. I hope you’ll find that it unlocks your creativity and inspiration as it has mine!
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